QBI houses the Surbeck Laboratory for Advanced Imaging which includes a 3T GE whole body scanner and a 7T clinical scanner. The first clinical 13C Dynamic Nuclear Polarizer in the world was installed in a clean room directly adjacent to the 3T scan room; it permitted the first human investigation of this new technology. Now, two new clinical intent GE SpinLab polarizer are also sited between the human MR scanners and are being currently used for clinical human studies and multi-site trials in the upcoming years. A hypersense DNP polarizer (Oxford Instrument’s ) is also sited between the 3T and 7T MR scanners to allow development and animal studies on both scanners. There is also an electronics shop, a machine shop and a server room that is dedicated to meet the heavy computational needs of the research programs in the building. There is also a three-room suite for animal management and housing used for prelinical development. (Figure. (A) SpinLab Polarizer, (B) 3T GE MR system, (C) 7T GE MR system, (D) HyperSenseTM DNP polarizer).