Our laboratory is located on the second and third floor of the Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI) at UCSF Mission Bay. It occupies approximately 750 square feet, with an additional 186 square feet of part-shared space. Shared equipment includes bench space and offices, chemical fume hoods, cell culture safety cabinets, cell culture incubators, microscopes, refrigerated lyophilizer, refrigerators, freezers, spectrophotometer, molecular biology equipment etc. As part of the UCSF Biomedical NMR lab and the Surbeck Laboratory for Advanced Imaging, ou lab has direct access to an animal preparation room suitable for rodent survival surgery. It is equipped with a surgery table in addition to counter-top preparation areas. The facility provides isoflurane-based inhalant anesthesia system, thermal support and physiological monitoring capabilities for animals under anesthesia. Portable anesthesia machines (MRI-compatible, wheeled, self-contained, with calibrated isoflurane vaporizer, dual gas-line outlets, and two O2 -E-tank capacity) are available for all animal-imaging studies. All animal research is monitored by the UCSF Laboratory Animal Resource Center (LARC), which occupies extensive facilities to which we also have access, and is staffed by full time veterinarians.
For more information about the Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI), check out the following video, or Dr. Chaumeil's interview here.